Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Guest From Penang

My lovely cousin is in town with her family. In fact, she's on her way here this very minute! It's always a joy to have someone come visit and the boys are definitely excited, knowing that they'll be having a lot of fun playing with one another.

As kids, Lin and I we were not very close (to be honest, I wasn't close to any of my cousins from my hometown, Penang). Sure, there was the (not to be missed) annual Chinese New Year visits and all, but somehow there just wasn't much of a connection between us. As I recall, I would even put up a fight with my parents and then show a sour face just before we left for visits. Perhaps what made things worse was also the fact that I wasn't able to converse in my mother tongue back then. It was quite embarrassing. But you know what? Through the years, as traveling became easier and more efficient, my family and I we were able to make more frequent trips back to our hometown. And in time, I've developed a very special relationship with my cousin. Most important of all, I've changed... I've learned the value and have come to understand the importance of being a part of a family and hopefully I'd be able to pass that down to my little boys.

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family:
Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one